- Implementation of Internal Regulation
- This Regulation applies to the Schools under the name “Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch” and “Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch” of the Mediterranean Maritime Training Center / Mediterranean Maritime Academy. The Schools’ curricula have been approved by the Shipping Deputy Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus, in accordance with Part IX of Law 27(I)/2008.
- The Schools carry out teaching, counseling and any other activities granted by the current legislation within the context of their mission. This project is supported by the administrative, financial and teaching services of the Schools and is subject to continuous evaluation in order to ensure and improve the quality of studies, teaching and international standards, as established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
- The Schools consist of Departments and Laboratories, which constitute their academic units. The academic operation of the schools includes the educational and advisory services, the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in collaboration with other Educational Institutions, provided by their academic units, as well as the operation of the competent bodies, single-member and collective, that make decisions on these issues.
- Educational programme
- The daily teaching programme determines the hours of the classes, the practical applications, the laboratory and tutoring activities, the lectures and all events that take place at the Schools in general and are tied to the educational process. The Schools’ operational curriculum is implemented from 08:00 to 21:00, Monday to Friday. According to its needs, each School determines its daily teaching programme according to the Regulation of Studies and the training courses.
- Depending on the number of attending students each semester and on the available teaching spaces, every School creates classes of up to 24 students for its theoretical courses. The Regulation of Studies determines the number of students per laboratory and tutoring course.
- School-year opening ceremony
- At the beginning of the Schools’ academic year and on a day and time set by their Administration, a welcoming ceremony for the new students shall take place.
- The details and procedures of this ceremony are regulated by decision of the Academy Council
- School Administrative bodies
- The Administrative bodies of the Schools can be single-member or collective.
- Single-member bodies are:
- The Director
- The Dean
- The Academy Training Manager
- The Academy Deputy Training Manager
- The Professor in Chief of the “Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch” School.
- The Professor in Chief of the “Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch” School.
- The Quality Manager
- Collective bodies are:
- The Academy Council
- The Internal Quality Committee or Internal Evaluation Committee
- The Academic Committee
- The Administrative Committee
- The Disciplinary Committee
- Composition of the Council: The Council is established by decision of the Director within the first twenty days of September and consists of the Director, acting as Chairman, the Dean, the Academy Training Manager, the Professors in Chief of each School, a Permanent Teaching Staff representative for each School, a Students’ representative for each School and a representative of the Academy’s Administrative Staff. An administrative staff member will be appointed by the Director to act as the Council Secretary. The term of office of the aforementioned Council representatives is set to one academic year.
- Council Assembly: The Council shall convene regularly once every three months following a written invitation by its chairman. An extraordinary assembly shall be called, at the discretion of the Chairman or if requested in writing by one third (1/3) of its total members, in order to deal with extraordinary or urgent matters. This invitation shall list the topics to be discussed. The members of the Council shall receive copies of the proposals on the topics of the agenda, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the extraordinary meeting and at least five (5) days before regular meetings. Rapporteurs or professional experts as well as other members of the Academy which, at the discretion of the Chairman, have the special knowledge required by the nature of the subject being introduced for discussion, may be appointed as members of the Council. Rapporteurs who are not members of the Council shall not have the right to vote.
- The Council meetings may also be attended by persons invited by the chairman and who, thanks to their special knowledge, can contribute to the elaboration of topics on the agenda.
- The Council is constituted and operates normally, even if the members to represent groups of staff and students have not been appointed, provided that an invitation for their appointment has been previously and in time issued by the Director.
- Participation of the members in the Council meetings is mandatory. If no quorum is achieved after half an hour (30′) from the scheduled time of the meeting, the chairman shall cancel the meeting due to lack of quorum and schedule a new meeting stating the reason for the cancellation.
- Council decisions and recommendations must be explicitly explained and made by open voting. If there are more than two (2) proposals and none receives the absolute majority in the first voting, the voting shall be repeated between the two proposals that receive the most votes. Blank votes do not count towards the majority.
- Single-member bodies are:
- The Administrative bodies of the Schools can be single-member or collective.
Minutes are kept during every Council Meeting. The minutes shall state the names of the members who took part in the meeting and of those who were absent, as well as the time, date, day and place of the meeting and will include any participation of deputy members replacing absent regular ones.
The wording of the minutes is concise and complete and debates between members are omitted, unless the verbal formulation of a certain proposal, opinion or phrase is specifically requested by a certain member. Decisions or recommendations made by the body are recorded in the minutes including full justification; different views of members who may have voted in the minority are also recorded.
At the end of the meeting, all participating members shall endorse and sign the minutes. Extracts from the minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the body as well as the secretary.
- Responsibilities of the Council. The Council has the following responsibilities:
- To identify the School needs in educational equipment, following a suggestion by the Professor in Chief of each School.
- To propose to the Director the notice of vacancy for Teaching Staff and Special Technical Staff.
- To make suggestions to the Director about:
- The implementation of projects within the Academy
- The organisation of Academy Services
- The rewarding of moral behavior
- The Academy’s smooth and orderly operation
- Student care issues
- The establishment of committees and working groups, for the study or implementation of specific issues.
- To make suggestions to the Director about matters concerning the Regulation of Studies and the Internal Regulations.
- To make decisions or suggestions on all matters forwarded to it by the Academy Director.
- To make decisions or suggestions on all matters forwarded to it by the Professors in Chief of the Schools.
- To decide upon the distribution and implementation of Academy expenditure up to an already approved amount.
- Upon suggestion by the Professors in Chief of the Schools, to assign to members of the Teaching Staff of a certain School the study and elaboration of specific subjects or the teaching of a course at another School of the Academy.
- Upon proposal by the relevant school or schools, to decide on the planning, content and duration of studies and on any other detail regarding coaching, further training and continued learning programmes held by the Academy itself or in collaboration with other institutions or bodies and addressed to secondary education or higher education graduates, and to approve the relevant memorandum of cooperation.
- Upon proposal of the relevant school or schools, to decide on the cooperation of the Academy in postgraduate programmes, in the scientific field of shipping and marine technology, carried out by domestic or foreign Universities and to approve the relevant memorandum of cooperation.
- To decide on the participation of the Academy in programmes for application and development of marine technology. The decision is subject to approval by the Shipping Deputy Ministry.
- To approve the Schools’ proposals regarding the participation of Academy members in educational, research and cultural activities outside the Academy or the organisation and conduct of training seminars and lectures after justified proposals and the opinion of the Professors in Chief of the relevant School.
- To prepare an educational evaluation report on each member of the Teaching Staff at the end of each academic year.
- To announce, through the Director, before the end of the current academic year and for the upcoming one, the hiring of the required number of Temporary Teaching Staff, following the suggestion of the Professors in Chief and approval of the required funding by the Director.
- Upon suggestion of the Professors in Chief, to decide on the hiring of Temporary Teaching Staff for the School after an assessment of transparency in the appointment procedure and actual educational needs by the Director who issues a relevant report.
- To decide on the temporary suspension of studies in regards to a student, if requested and provided the reasons cited are serious. The decision should be approved by the Shipping Deputy Ministry.
- To suggest to the Training Manager the expulsion of a student from a School of the Academy, provided there is a serious reason.
- To be responsible for whichever matter does not fall within the competence of another body.
- Responsibilities of the Director:
- To head the staff and services of the Academy.
- To coordinate and control all school activities and other Academy services.
- To convene the Council and act as its chairman. He may also attend the School Educational Council without a vote and have access to the minutes when he is absent.
- To prepare the Council’s agenda.
- To have disciplinary authority.
- To establish committees for the study and handling of specific issues.
- To sign incoming and outgoing mail.
- To take care of the implementation of the Council’s decisions, to inform during the meeting and prior to the beginning of the discussion of Council’s agenda subjects regarding the progress of the implementation of the previous Council’s decisions.
- To appoint a Secretary for the Council by his own decision.
- To sign employment contracts for the Temporary Teaching Staff.
- Administrative bodies of the School
- The Administrative bodies of the School consist of the Academic Committee, the Dean, the Training Manager, the Deputy Training Manager, the Administrative Committee and the Disciplinary Committee.
- Composition of the Academic Committee: The Academic Committee is formed by decision of the Director and consists of the permanent members of the Teaching and Special Administrative Staff of the School, regardless of their other capacities, a representative of the Special Technical Staff of the School and representatives of the School Students, who are appointed along with their deputies, at a rate of 20% of the members of the permanent Teaching Staff. Chairman duties are exercised by the Director. Among its members, the Academic Committee appoints a secretary for a one-year term. The term of office of the aforementioned representatives in the Committee is set to one academic year.
Members of the Teaching Staff who teach at more than one School, participate with the right to vote in the Academic Committee of only one School which they choose at the beginning of each semester, and have no right to vote at the Academic Committee of the other Schools.
The members of the Temporary Teaching Staff and the visiting professors can participate in the meetings without the right to vote and can make written or oral suggestions on educational and functional issues of the Academy. They cannot be candidates for the Administrative bodies of the Academy or the School. It is possible for them to participate in committees, upon approval by the Academy’s Council.
- Convening of the Academic Committee: The Academic Committee shall convene once a month or else at the discretion of the Training Manager, or upon request by one third (1/3) of its total members, as long as their request refers to the topics for discussion. The members of the Academic Committee shall receive copies of the proposals on the topics of the agenda at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting of the Academic Committee. In case of an extraordinary meeting, this time is reduced to twenty-four (24) hours.
- Minutes are kept at each meeting of the Academic Committee. The time, day, date and place of the meeting shall be stated in the minutes, along with the names of the members who took part in the meeting and of those who were absent, followed by the reason of their absence.
The wording of the minutes is concise and complete and debates among members are omitted, unless the verbal formulation of a certain proposal, opinion or phrase is specifically requested by a certain member. Decisions or recommendations made by the body are recorded in the minutes including full justification. Different views of members who may have voted in the minority are also recorded.
All participating members shall endorse and sign the minutes either at the end of the meeting or at the beginning of the next one. Extracts from the minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the body as well as the secretary.
- Responsibilities of the Academic Committee: The Academic Committee has the following responsibilities:
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council on matters of studies, training, teaching and examinations within the framework of the Regulation of Studies.
- To process any suggestions by the Teaching Staff.
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council on the needs to hire Teaching Staff and Special Technical Staff.
- Upon proposal by the Training Manger, to decide on the distribution of training courses to the members of the Teaching Staff, the Special Administrative Staff, and the Temporary Teaching Staff, as well as the distribution of teaching hours. Also, taking into account the number and specialization of the members of the Teaching Staff, Special Administrative Staff and Special Technical Staff who serve in the school, to determine at the beginning of each academic year, the sectors that will be created and appoint to them members of the Teaching Staff, Special Administrative Staff and Special Technical Staff depending on their specialization. All above, form part of each sector’s permanent members. A student representative is also included among the permanent members of each sector. Additionally, the Educational Council assigns Laboratory Manager and Laboratory Sector duties to members of the Teaching Staff and Temporary Teaching Staff and determines the duties of the members of the Special Technical Staff.
- To appoint, after a vote among all permanent members, a Professor in Chief of the School.
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council, through the Professor in Chief of the School, on the needs of Teaching Staff under a private law and fixed term employment contract on hourly pay and to propose, after submitting a declaration of vacancy, the most suitable individuals to be hired by the Academy.
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council, through the Professor in Chief of the School, on matters related to the educational equipment of the laboratories and infrastructure in general.
- To decide upon or make suggestions, as the case may be, on all educational issues assigned to it by the Director.
- To be responsible for all tasks mentioned in the Internal Regulation and the Regulation of Studies, except those explicitly assigned to other bodies.
- To make suggestions to the Director on matters outside the employment service and educational leaves of members of the Teaching staff.
- To recommend the members of the Teaching staff of a similar specialization and grade for the formation of the special electorate bodies of three, for hiring Teaching Staff.
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council on matters about:
- Lesson Plans
- Academy Library
- The better operation of the Academy and School Secretariat
- Scholarships and moral awards to students of the Academy
- Special training departments
- Conferences, seminars, etc.
- Constant update of the library with publications by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), classification societies, technical manuals by manufacturers of engines and machinery used in shipping as well as publications by approved scientific associations.
- Relations between the Academy and other Educational Institutions in the University and Technological fields, as well as other equivalent educational institutions abroad.
- Student care
- Events on the Academy premises
- Student scholarships
- Exam Bank
- The operation of the laboratories
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council, through the Professor in Chief of the School, about teaching aids.
- To make decisions on hosting lectures by professors of other institutions, or experienced executives of shipping companies, enterprises and organizations.
- To make decisions on educational visits and trips for students.
- To make suggestions to the Academy Council, through the Professor in Chief of the School, about the planning, content and duration of the studies and any other detail concerning training programmes, further training and continued learning held by the Academy itself or in collaboration with other institutions or bodies and addressed to secondary education or higher education graduates, about the cooperation of the Academy in postgraduate programmes, in the scientific field of shipping and marine technology, carried out by domestic or foreign Educational Institutions and to appoint some of its members as coordinators of research or postgraduate programmes and training programmes.
- The Dean and the Deputy Dean: The Dean and the Deputy Dean are members of the Academy’s Teaching Staff and are appointed for a three-year term with the possibility of one re-election.
- In case of absence or incapacitation of the Dean, the Deputy Dean has all the authorities and exercises all the Dean’s duties.
- In case the Dean’s or the Deputy Dean’s position is vacant, then another person is elected in his/her place, who will hold the position for the rest of the term of the Dean or the Deputy Dear, in the position of who he/she was elected respectively. The time served after this election is not considered as a regular term of this person towards the purpose of election or re-election in the same position.
- Responsibilities of the Dean:
- To prepare the Academy’s Budget
- To compile the Academic Programmes
- To submit suggestions for the hiring of teaching and other staff from the Academy.
- To ensure the smooth academic and administrative operation of the Academy
- The Training Manager: The Training Manager is a permanent member of the Academy’s Teaching Staff and is appointed for a three-year term by decision of the Director, following a proposal of the Academic Committees.
- In case of Training Manager’s resignation/retirement before the end of the term, a new Training Manager shall be appointed, following the same procedure for the remainder of the term. If this period is less than six (6) months, no Training Manager shall be appointed and these duties shall be exercised by the Deputy Training Manager who will have all the Training Manager’s obligations and rights.
- When non-existent, absent or unable to exercise his duties, the Training Manager is replaced by the Deputy Training Manager.
- Responsibilities of the Training Manager: The Training Manager takes care of the implementation of the Academic Committee’s decisions and, prior to the beginning of the discussions of the topics on the Academic Committee’s agenda, informs the current Academic Committee about the progress of implementation of the previous Academic Committee’s decisions. The Training Manager has the following responsibilities, in addition to what is provided for in the individual provisions:
- To compile, in cooperation with the Professor in Chief of the School, the Academic Committee’s agenda, which he then communicates to the Director.
- To suggest or assign to the Professors in Chief of the Schools, the proposals on the topics of the Academic Committee’s agenda.
- To sign the Student Degrees
- To correspond with the Shipping Deputy Ministry’s services on matters related to his responsibilities.
- To supervise the Professors in Chief of the Schools.
- To coordinate educational matters of the Schools, alongside the Professors in Chief of the Schools.
- To exercise disciplinary authority according to the provisions of the Regulation of Studies.
- To take care of the resolution of the students’ personal and educational matters or address them to the Academic or Administrative Committee.
- To handle the School’s collaboration with other educational institutions, bodies and shipping companies, in order to upgrade the studies and the educational work.
- The Deputy Training Manager: The Deputy Training Manager is a permanent member of the Academy’s Teaching Staff. He is appointed for one academic year, by decision of the Director, following a proposal by the Academic Committees. The Deputy Training Manager replaces the Training Manager and performs duties assigned to him by the Director, upon suggestion of the Training Manager.
- Composition of the Administrative Committee: The Administrative Committee is formed by decision of the Director and consists of the Director, the Dean, the Training Manager and two members of the Academy’s Administration Staff. Chairman duties are exercised by the Director. Among its members, the Administrative Committee appoints a secretary for a one-year term. The term of office of the aforementioned representatives in the Committee is set to one academic year.
In the meetings of the Administrative Committee, additional members of the Administration Staff, members of the Teaching Staff and members of the Special Technical Staff may be invited, depending on the topics of the agenda. The extraordinary members participate in the meetings without the right to vote and can make written or oral suggestions on all the topics related to the smooth operation of the Academy.
- Convening of the Administrative Committee: The Administrative Committee shall convene once every three months or else at the discretion of the Training Manager, or upon request by one third (1/3) of its total members, as long as their request refers to the topics for discussion. The members of the Administrative Committee shall receive copies of the proposals on the topics of the agenda at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting of the Academic Committee. In case of an extraordinary meeting, this time is reduced to twenty-four (24) hours.
- Minutes are kept at each meeting of the Administrative Committee. The time, day, date and place of the meeting shall be stated in the minutes, along with the names of the members who took part in the meeting and of those who were absent, followed by the reason of their absence.
The wording of the minutes is concise and complete and debates among members are omitted, unless the verbal formulation of a certain proposal, opinion or phrase is specifically requested by a certain member. Decisions or recommendations made by the body are recorded in the minutes including full justification. Different views of members who may have voted in the minority are also recorded.
All participating members shall endorse and sign the minutes either at the end of the meeting or at the beginning of the next one. Extracts from the minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the body as well as the secretary.
- Responsibilities of the Administrative Committee: The Administrative Committee has the following responsibilities:
- To make suggestions to the Academy’s Council on matters concerning the facilities, the equipment and the administrative functions of the Academy.
- To process the suggestions of the Administration Staff.
- To make suggestions to the Academy’s Council for the hiring of personnel to cover vacant positions of Administration Staff.
- Organizes the maintenance of the teaching and laboratory equipment after proposals of the Teaching Staff and the Laboratory Managers
- To decide upon or make suggestions, as the case may be, on all administration issues assigned to it by the Director.
- To make suggestions to the Director on matters outside the employment service and educational leaves of members of the Administration Staff.
- Composition of the Disciplinary Committee: The Disciplinary Committee is formed by decision of the Director and consists of the Director, the Dean, the Training Manager, the Professor in Chief of the School and a member of the Permanent Teaching Staff. Chairman duties are exercised by the Director. The Administrative Committee appoints a secretary for each meeting.
- Convening of the Disciplinary Committee: The Disciplinary Committee shall convene by decision of the Academy’s Council in case of a violation of the Academy’s policies by members of the Personnel or Students, as well as other cases which require disciplinary investigation. The members of the Disciplinary Committee shall receive copies of the proposals on the topics of the agenda at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting of the Disciplinary Committee.
- Minutes are kept at each meeting of the Disciplinary Committee. The time, day, date and place of the meeting shall be stated in the minutes, along with the names of the members who took part in the meeting and of those who were absent, followed by the reason of their absence.
The wording of the minutes is concise and complete and debates among members are omitted, unless the verbal formulation of a certain proposal, opinion or phrase is specifically requested by a certain member. Decisions or recommendations made by the body are recorded in the minutes including full justification. Different views of members who may have voted in the minority are also recorded.
All participating members shall endorse and sign the minutes either at the end of the meeting or at the beginning of the next one. Extracts from the minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the body as well as the secretary.
- Responsibilities of the Administrative Committee: The Administrative Committee has the following responsibilities:
- To make suggestions to the Academy’s Council on matters concerning its formation.
- To make suggestions to the Academy’s Council for the necessity of Disciplinary Control of the members of Personnel or Students.
- To make suggestions, on a case by case basis, on any disciplinary matters are forwarded to it by the Academy’s Council.
- The Professor in Chief of the School is responsible to:
- Call an Assembly of the Sector, which consists of the regular members of the Sector and the extraordinary members of the Sector, who are members of the Teaching Staff and teach courses on the Sector’s cognitive subject.
- Coordinate the School’s educational work in general.
- To control the teaching and attendance hours of the School’s Teaching Staff, Special Administrative Staff and Temporary Teaching Staff.
- To propose by suggestion of the Laboratory Managers, the specifications, the supply and the maintenance of laboratory equipment.
- To supervise and guide the work of the members of the Special Administrative Staff and Special Technical Staff that work for the School and to control their daily presence.
- Laboratories – Laboratory Manager
- The Academy’s Schools include laboratories that provide high quality educational and research services, for the promotion of knowledge and education within the curriculum of the Academy. In order to make the most of the scientific and technical knowledge of the Teaching Staff, the Educational Council of each School the laboratory belongs to, compiles the “Laboratory Operation Regulation” (L.O.R.). L.O.R., identifies the functions of the laboratory and defines in writing the duties and responsibilities of the Laboratory Manager, the Teaching Staff, the Special Administrative Staff, the Special Technical Staff, the Temporary Teaching Staff and the Students. The School’s Educational Council may assign the drafting of the Laboratory Operation Regulation to a committee from the Academy’s Teaching Staff, which may cooperate with specialized members of the Teaching Staff of other Academies or Educational Institutions of the University or Technological field. The laboratories’ teaching, research and special teaching and technical staff as well as the students should comply with the duties, obligations and procedures defined by the L.O.R. More specifically:
- Laboratory premises should be clean and neat and designed so as to have:
- Suitable temperature and humidity
- Care to avoid dust
- Adequate sources of power and supplies
- Protection against power fluctuations
- Passive and active fire protection
- Insurance against flooding and other natural disasters
- All devices used in the laboratory for exercises and experiments are suitable for the purpose for which they will be used, according to international standards.
- Devices to be installed in a way that they are easy to use, to clean and to repair.
- Equipment to be in optimal operational condition.
- Dangerous chemical and radioactive substances to be stored, used, transported and disposed of according to international standards. Laboratory equipment to be divided into purely laboratory equipment and auxiliary laboratory equipment. The latter, includes offices, benches and furniture, teaching aids and multimedia.
- The Laboratory Manager mainly ensures that the laboratory, research and educational work of the lab serves and adequately supports the applied curriculum and the prescribed research objectives of the Academy. He collaborates with the Professor in Chief of the School and the Teaching and Technical Staff of the laboratory to determine the type, content and level of laboratory exercises, as well as to solve relevant technical issues related to the laboratory’s overall work. In this context:
- He ensures the adequacy of the laboratory, in premises, infrastructure, equipment, safety, staff and staff training.
- He ensures that the level of education and research provided meets the contemporary educational and research needs.
- He is responsible for the compliance of the Laboratory’s Organisation Plan and the Laboratory Operation Regulation.
- He is responsible for the proper function and digital listing of the laboratory equipment elements.
- He suggests the supply of laboratory equipment and materials to the Head of the Sector.
- He is responsible for keeping electronic records of the laboratory
- Heads of Laboratory Sectors:
- In collaboration with the Laboratory Manager, they supervise the installation of equipment, according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
- They operate the laboratory equipment and control the keeping of a maintenance log book for every repair; in which repairs, malfunctions, settings, upgrades etc. are recorded.
- In cooperation with the Laboratory Manager, they ensure all operational laboratory procedures are followed.
- Operation of Academy Bodies and election of representatives
- The representatives of the Teaching and Administrative Staff at the Academy Council as well as those of the Special Technical Staff at the Educational Council along with their deputies are appointed by the assemblies of the Teaching Staff, Administrative Staff and Special Technical Staff respectively, which consist of the members of each staff in its entirety.
- The representatives of the students in the competent bodies on a case-by-case basis are nominated along with their deputies, by the Board of Directors (BoD) of the relevant student association.
- The representatives of the Teaching Staff, the Special Technical Staff, the Administrative Staff and the students in the bodies are appointed within an exclusive deadline of twenty (20) days, after a relevant invitation of the Director.
- In case the number of representatives in collective bodies is determined as a percentage of numerical value, the fractions are rounded to the nearest whole number, while 0.5 is rounded up to the nearest whole number.
- The collective bodies meet on hours so that the educational process is not obstructed and are in quorum when the number of members with the right to vote which are present is greater than the number of absent ones.
- Decisions on the collective bodies are made by absolute majority of those present. In case of a tie, the opinion that was voted by the President of the body shall prevail.
- The participation of the members of the Teaching Staff, Special Administrative Staff, Special Technical Staff and Administrative Staff in the competent bodies is mandatory.
- All members participating in collective Administrative bodies may be informed of about topics on the agenda through a dossier containing the relevant documents, prepared by the Chairman of the collective body.
- For the appointment of the Professor in Chief of the School, the Educational Council convenes within the first fortnight of May, of the academic year ending the term of the Professor in Chief, with the proposal of a Professor in Chief being the sole issue on the agenda. The invitations for the assembly of the Educational Council are handed out to its members, at least ten (10) days before the meeting and they state the deadline for submission of candidacy.
Candidacies are submitted to the Academy Secretariat and registered at least two (2) days before the meeting of the Educational Council. The Director ensures that candidacies are forwarded to the Educational Council. A candidacy of a member of the Teaching Staff can even be submitted at the beginning of the meeting of the Educational Council, as long as this member has been nominated by at least 1/3 of the members of the Educational Council. At the beginning of the meeting, the Educational Council appoints a member or members that have not submitted a candidacy to oversee the voting of the Educational Council’s proposal. The list of candidates is drawn up by secret voting. Every member of the Educational Council has the right to vote in favour of one candidate. For schools with only one electable member of the Teaching staff, the aforementioned procedure is not required.
- Professors or substitute professors can submit their candidacy if they are Captains, for the School of Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch, or Engineers, for the School of Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch. If there are no professors or substitutes, then the requirement stands for assistant professors, for the respective capacity. If there are no professors or substitute professors or assistant professors with the aforementioned capacities, professors or substitute professors of another sector can submit their candidacy or assistant professors for lack of the former. If there are no candidacies or if the deadline set by the Director has passed, the appointment of the Professor in Chief of the School is carried out by decision of the Director. Teaching Staff members who have been appointed as Professors in Chief of the School for two (2) consecutive terms, cannot be nominated for this position in the next term unless the School has only one (1) permanent Teaching Staff member.
- The members of the Teaching staff who are:
- on educational leave.
- on long-term sick leave.
- on compulsory leave.
do not have the right to submit their candidacy and cannot act as Director of Studies, Deputy Director of Studies or Professor in Chief of Schools.
- Use of facilities and equipment – Disclosure of Academy’s activities.
- During the working hours of the Academy, its students and Teaching Staff use the Academy facilities and equipment. Following the suggestion of the concerned School’σ Educational Council and the approval of the Academy Council, bodies of the Shipping Deputy Ministry in the presence of members of the Teaching Staff or the Special Administrative Staff or the Special Technical Staff may use the Academy facilities and equipment for matters of scientific or technical interest. The Director communicates the decision to the competent directorate of the Shipping Deputy Ministry. The use of the Academy’s facilities and equipment by other bodies is possible following approval of the Director.
- Students’ general obligations
- The students are obliged to fully comply with the obligations established by the Academy’s regulation of studies, the Regulations and guidelines of the Academy’s Administrative Bodies issued within the framework of the of the regulation of studies, as well as to all other bodies executing official administrative duties.
- Receipt and use of Academy’s equipment and visual teaching aids is possible only with the permission, the guidelines and the supervision of the Academy’s competent bodies.
- The students who use the Academy’s equipment, are obliged to pay care and attention in order to avoid damage or loss. When the equipment is portable, they are obliged to return it in the same condition as it was on the time of receipt, otherwise they are responsible for any destruction, damage or unusual wear caused due to them.
- The students are obliged to have decent appearance and behavior, as befits to future Merchant Marine Officers.
- During on board training, the students are obliged to be polite and decent towards the vessel’s Master, Officers and crew members.
- The students are obliged to behave in a proper manner towards the Director, the Training Manager, the Professors in Chief of the Schools, the members of the Teaching Staff, the Academy’s personnel and their colleagues.
- Obligations within the classrooms and laboratories
- During lectures, laboratory exercises and use of library, the students are obliged to have the proper behavior towards their colleagues, the Teaching Staff and the rest of the personnel in order to not obstruct the teaching process. In case that someone disturbs the teaching and does not comply to the instructions of the teaching professor, he shall be expelled from the classroom and be marked as absent.
- The students contribute to the proper operation and maintenance of the Academy’s Teaching Equipment, as well as the floating devices and the Academy’s mechanical and electrical building installations, in accordance with the guidelines of the Training Manager and the Director respectively.
- Library organization and operation
- The students use the printed and digital library either in the reading room or by borrowing.
- The students are obliged to retain the books in a good condition and return them in the same condition as they were at the time they received them, within the designated deadline.
- Any book loss or damage is charged against the responsible student.
- The Academy’s members may submit suggestions to the Administration, regarding the enhancement of the libraries.