Counseling Services

Every School Instructor is available to the students, outside teaching hours, for any matter that they might be facing, regarding the courses. Instructors provide a specific and scheduled time each week for students to visit at the teacher’s office so as to consult them or communicate to them any problem in regard to their courses.

The Instructors’ professional email addresses are handed out to the students so that they can communicate with them about matters concerning their academic presence at all times. Instructors are committed to respond for any matter that concerns the students on time but not later than 48 hours. The time that Instructors spend on administrative matters, given they are covered by other members of the staff, is divided into 35 teaching hours and preparation of the course and 5 hours of administrative duties per week.

Contact details (telephone and e-mail address) are available on the bulletin board of the Academy in order for the students to have direct access to mental health services.  The associated Psychologist is available for three 4-hour periods each month for the students and personnel of the academy.

The academy has entered into a confidentiality agreement with the associated psychologist to ensure that no data are ever requested regarding the personal details of the participants, topics and links of the sessions.