Career and Liaison

The academy maintains a “career and liaison with the business world office” for counseling on student career matters. The “career and liaison with the business world office assists” the students in compiling their CV, getting access to job vacancies for working on board and finding placement for on board training by providing a fully detailed list of shipping companies.

It also arranges participation in career fairs, events and exhibitions, as well as organizes visits of shipping industry professionals in order to connect the students with shipping company executives. Additionally, it collects data on student employment and present them during the annual Management Review Meeting. Job vacancy announcements are held by the career office to inform students on employment opportunities.

The “career and liaison with the business world office” maintains a formal feedback mechanism to record the companies of the vessels on which the students completed their onboard training. Additionally, one year after graduation, the “career and liaison with the business world office” communicates with the students, either verbally or by an e-mail message (which is to be optionally replied on sample basis, where the trainees are asked whether they are still employed and continue on the profession, as well as whether they have any comments and suggestions for improvements in the operation of the academy.

The collected data are discussed during the annual management review meeting.